Wednesday 18 December 2013

Contractor Oil And Gas Yard Fabrication , Pipeline Instalasi Push Pull, Fabrication Instalasi Countruction, Capillary, Intelegen Piging, Barge Accomodation work


Experienced in the Onshore, Offshore and related services, PT Onasis Indonesia is capable in such projects as Engineering, Onshore and Offshore Services, and also Underwater Works, Supporting Vessel Operation as well as specific Procurement works for the E & P field projects in the Oil and Gas Industry.

The companies are back up by our professional human resources, knowledge, expertise, and commitment with the support of solid management

Head Office
Jl. KH. Abdullah Syafei no. 2
Casablanca, Jakarta Selatan, 12820
Phone +62 (21) 8370 2727 (hunting)
Fax.+ 62 (21) 8370 27297
email :

Branch Office
Jl. Jend. SudirmanComplex
Balikpapan Super Blok A-22
Balikpapan-East Kalimantan
Phone +62(542) 721 3599
Fax +62 (542) 721 3598

Fabrication Yard
Tambora. Handil Terusan
Kec. Anggana Kab. Kutai Kertanegara
East Kalimantan